only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
#encoding=utf-8 import math import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import pandas as pd #自定义函数 def func(x, a, b, c): return (2 * b * (a + x) / (b ** 2 + 4 * (a + x) ** 2) + np.arctan(2 * (a + x) / b) - 2 * b * a / ( b ** 2 + 4 * a ** 2) - np.arctan(2 * a / b)) * (-c ** 2 * b / 4 / 9.81 * 1022.85) #使用实例函数定义x、y散点坐标 x = np.linspace(-2*np.pi,2*np.pi,100) print('x is :\n',x) y=func(x,3.1,4.2,8.3) + 1000 * np.random.normal(size=len(x)) print('y is :\n',y) popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y) #获取popt里面是拟合系数 a = popt[0] b = popt[1] c = popt[2] yvals = func(x,a,b,c) #拟合y值 print(u'系数a:', a) print(u'系数b:', b) print(u'系数c:', c) #绘图 plot1 = plt.plot(x, y, 's',label='original values') plot2 = plt.plot(x, yvals, 'r',label='polyfit values') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.legend(loc=1) #指定legend的位置 plt.title('curve_fit') plt.show()
x is : [-6.28318531 -6.15625227 -6.02931923 -5.9023862 -5.77545316 -5.64852012 -5.52158709 -5.39465405 -5.26772102 -5.14078798 -5.01385494 -4.88692191 -4.75998887 -4.63305583 -4.5061228 -4.37918976 -4.25225672 -4.12532369 -3.99839065 -3.87145761 -3.74452458 -3.61759154 -3.4906585 -3.36372547 -3.23679243 -3.10985939 -2.98292636 -2.85599332 -2.72906028 -2.60212725 -2.47519421 -2.34826118 -2.22132814 -2.0943951 -1.96746207 -1.84052903 -1.71359599 -1.58666296 -1.45972992 -1.33279688 -1.20586385 -1.07893081 -0.95199777 -0.82506474 -0.6981317 -0.57119866 -0.44426563 -0.31733259 -0.19039955 -0.06346652 0.06346652 0.19039955 0.31733259 0.44426563 0.57119866 0.6981317 0.82506474 0.95199777 1.07893081 1.20586385 1.33279688 1.45972992 1.58666296 1.71359599 1.84052903 1.96746207 2.0943951 2.22132814 2.34826118 2.47519421 2.60212725 2.72906028 2.85599332 2.98292636 3.10985939 3.23679243 3.36372547 3.4906585 3.61759154 3.74452458 3.87145761 3.99839065 4.12532369 4.25225672 4.37918976 4.5061228 4.63305583 4.75998887 4.88692191 5.01385494 5.14078798 5.26772102 5.39465405 5.52158709 5.64852012 5.77545316 5.9023862 6.02931923 6.15625227 6.28318531] y is : [ 2.07281404e+04 2.27189464e+04 2.07020572e+04 2.19094737e+04 2.15517490e+04 1.92623067e+04 2.10199859e+04 2.12591784e+04 1.99465687e+04 2.06059158e+04 1.97719072e+04 2.05942927e+04 1.95583168e+04 1.94393931e+04 1.87423303e+04 1.80745964e+04 1.91406125e+04 1.64073068e+04 1.77216138e+04 1.67012355e+04 1.48767554e+04 1.47983845e+04 1.20528441e+04 1.23137902e+04 9.94239990e+03 1.01346365e+04 1.01613007e+04 6.66934250e+03 8.65848225e+03 5.56242336e+03 8.39393337e+03 4.64619061e+03 5.25357639e+03 4.92293235e+03 3.98864889e+03 3.03121705e+03 3.00227910e+03 3.55133470e+03 6.74696578e+02 3.76948451e+03 1.17308382e+03 1.82316520e+03 7.96402262e+02 2.73996876e+03 8.64548975e+02 -4.89958943e+02 -4.86396308e+02 1.25931245e+03 1.36633896e+03 5.53603515e+02 4.22362764e+02 -1.76172474e+03 9.06685556e+02 3.00839316e+01 1.62736565e+02 4.34331031e+02 1.11070760e+03 -1.78126560e+03 -2.47896476e+02 -1.63080954e+03 -4.04295429e+02 1.09933004e+02 1.73464695e+02 8.30625336e+01 -1.72331935e+03 -5.36477029e+02 1.17361348e+03 1.62146302e+03 -1.22800268e+03 -3.35859392e+02 -9.02540981e+02 -1.62065536e+03 -1.39810032e+03 -2.96341689e+02 -2.69387783e+02 -1.58182553e+03 -2.90597098e+00 7.94920580e+02 1.03550459e+02 -2.65421325e+03 -2.35116023e+03 -3.86355345e+02 -3.40793609e+02 -2.16954829e+03 -1.46430254e+03 1.58249171e+03 2.80709867e+02 -2.29916052e+02 1.91626299e+02 -2.77934884e+03 -6.98147786e+02 -9.56310173e+02 -8.21907005e+01 -1.01821672e+03 6.93071410e+02 -1.22856679e+03 -6.65971857e+02 1.43685483e+02 -1.01433290e+03 -3.15992746e+02] 系数a: 3.1465334991833642 系数b: 3.951342820743008 系数c: 8.479197062909357 Process finished with exit code 0